Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Reflection Letter

41-560 Inoa St.
Waimanalo HI, 96795
May 24, 2016

Ms.Kiana Bernardino
451 Ulumanu Dr.
Kailua, HI 96734

Dear Kiana,

In the beginning of this year I wrote a letter to myself. The purpose of the letter was for me to set goals for myself. I made about three goals. In my letter I wrote that "2016 is a year for change. This year I plan on making a difference in my academic, personal and behavioral life."

My academic goal for 2016 was for me to get B's or higher in all of my classes. By the time I finish my junior year I wanted to have an accumulative of 3.5. I didn’t achieve my goal, I’m really disappointed. In the beginning of this semester I would work really hard and stayed on top of things. For a while school was my number one priority. Then I got really lazy and distracted, I wouldn’t come to school. If I find motivation for myself and stay driven I know I’ll be able to achieve my goal in the future.

My personal goal was to be a more active student. I said I would offer my help to the people around me when I knew they needed help but were too shy to ask for it. During school I did offer my help to people. For example during my chemistry class my friend was sitting at his desk looking at his paper with a very blank look. I went to him and started helping him. At the end of the class he told me he told me “thank you” and that I really helped him understand the lesson. I felt really good about myself, to hear someone tell me I helped them made me feel good about myself. I think I’ll carry out this goal because I like feeling good about myself. Helping people actually has it’s benefits.

My behavior could always use some improvement, in my letter I wrote that I wanted to be less blunt to my family. I also wrote that I wanted to work on being too outspoken and only talking when I need to talk. As my mom always says “You need to be seen and not heard”. I feel like I have improved. I don’t say things to people when I shouldn’t and I don’t. This really helps me in the future because I won’t get into little fights with people for my rudeness. I became more people friendly. Being outspoken isn’t a good trait to have. Being nice to people really motivates me to continue on and be nice to everyone.

It’s important to set goals because setting goals gives you something to look forward to and to help build you into a better person. Setting goals also help you strive to become something more. Over summer I plan to work on my behavior more and probably read. So when I have to read during school it won’t be as bad as I make it out to be. I also want to find a summer job so I can experience how it’ll be before I start working and going to school at the same time. I encourage you to keep setting goals for yourself and never give up!

Love Always,

Kiana Bernardino

Peaceful Warrior

“Knowledge is not the same as wisdom”. This quote just stood out a lot to me. I wasn't sure why though. So I looked up what knowledge and wisdom is. Here's what Google said. “It's being aware of something, and having information. Knowledge is really about facts and ideas that we acquire through study, research, investigation, observation, or experience. Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life.” After looking up what the quote kind of meant I realized that this quote is so powerful. The quotes basically saying that even when you know something factual you can still make mistakes. Many people mistake knowledge for wisdom because they are a little similar. Knowledge can live without wisdom, but wisdom can't live without knowledge This quote is such a relatable quote to all of us because even when we know what's right and what's wrong we won't make the right decision. Having wisdom is so important. We’ll have so many struggles and problems in our life, to have wisdom on our side during these times would be great. In all our life struggles we’ll need guidance to make the right decision, not be blinded by everything else. I feel like wisdom is something you have to gain through multiple life experiences. If someone has wisdom that would make them a wise person. If someone has knowledge that would make them a “well-knowing person”. Wisdom and knowledge are big very important to me. I always strive to make the right decisions but I can't make them unless I have knowledge and past experiences to help guide me in the right direction.

Monday, May 23, 2016

2016 Current Event

Recently artist Ilma Gore painted a picture of Candidate Donald Trump who is currently running for the Republican Party for President of the United States in the 2016 election with him in his BIRTHDAY SUIT and a micro penis. Classic Ilma. She named the painting “Make
America Great Again.” She writes at the ending of the title “Because no matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big prick”. The painting definitely raises questions of his manhood. I mean a drawing of a male with a small penis is both degrading and humiliating. Facebook banned her from posting that picture, and Donald Trump threatened to sue her. She was assaulted right outside of her house in L.A because of the painting. Her attacker was a male, he punched her in the face and yelled "Trump 2016" she got a black eye from it. She posted a picture of her black eye on Instagram. If Donald Trump can't handle the press and pressure from a painting of him with a small penis how can he take care of America if we ever get attacked? Can we Americans trust someone who's easily offended by other people opinions? I mean what do you think about this? Should she be sued for painting something that degrades the manhood of Candidate Donald Trump?

Friday, May 6, 2016

What is Kiana most passionate about ?

One thing I'm most passionate about is art. Google describes art as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power". I feel that art is also a way for someone to express their individuality. I'm most passionate about drawings and paintings. When your drawing on your free time there's no one to tell you what to draw, there is no right or wrong when drawing. It's simply your imagination on paper. II think it's an amazing thing when people can put time and effort into creatively making something. Anyone is capable of expressing themselves through art, whether it's through drawing or paintings. Some drawings give off a dark and hazy vibe while others give off a warm fuzzy feeling. It's pretty cool how many varieties there are for people who have different taste in art. Some people prefer old school drawings over the new school. Some people prefer black and white over multi-color. I don't really have a favorite type of drawing, I like the type of drawings that catch my eye. All types of drawings are beautiful in their own way.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

About Me

Hey, my name is Kiana and I'm a Libra. I am the 2nd oldest of 5 kids. I have a soft spot for my friends and family, I would do anything for them. On my free time, I like to spend time with my friends and family, go to the beach or just relax at home. My favorite foods include Italian food, Hawaiian food, and Oriental food. I plan to travel the world when I get older and have the funds for it, because as of right now I have absolutely no money(:.